
Myths about infertility

Myths about infertility

There are various myths about infertility that are prevailing in the society regarding infertility. We collect some of the common beliefs you might have heard.

Myth:  Infertility means you can’t have a child.

Fact:   Infertility means that you have been unable to have a child naturally after a year of trying. With the proper ivf treatment, many people go on to have children. In addition, there is a possibility of a couple conceiving without treatment if the woman is ovulating and has one open tube, and the male partner has some sperm in his ejaculate. This rate may be lower than you would hope, but it is not zero.

Myth:  Women don’t start to lose their fertility until their late 30s or early 40s.

Fact:   According to a survey report, a woman’s fertility starts to decline at age 27, although this isn’t clinically significant. Most women of this age can still get pregnant, of course, but it might take a few more months of trying. But by the time a woman reaches 35, her chances of getting pregnant during any particular attempt are about half of what they were between the ages of 19 and 26.

Myth:   A woman should wait three months to conceive after stopping use of the pill.

Fact:   Birth control pill reduce hormone level and suppresses ovulation. Once a woman stops taking the pill, hormone level return to normal almost immediately and ovulation should begin the very next cycle.

Myth:   Many infertile couples are trying too hard. If they would just relax, they would conceive right away.

Fact:   Relaxation alone won’t help anyone become a parent. Instead of booking a vacation, infertile couples should schedule an appointment with best ivf doctor in delhi.
One or both partners may have a correctable medical condition that stands in the way of conception. If there’s no obvious physical explanation for infertility, a doctor can suggest lifestyle changes that could boost the odds of parenthood.

Myth:  If you already have a child, you don’t have to worry about infertility

Fact:  Research shows that almost approx. 30 percent of infertility happens after the first child. This means even if a couple already has a child or children, they can experience difficulty in getting pregnant later. For that they should see an ivf doctor in delhi or best ivf center in delhi.

Myth:   Drinking wine is better than hard alcohol, and it does not affect fertility.

Fact:    Alcohol can increase the risk of birth defects once a woman becomes pregnant. It can cause a collection of birth defects known as fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). There is no known “safe” amount of alcohol that can be consumed during pregnancy, so it is generally recommended that women avoid alcohol in pregnancy.


For more information visit our website www.infertilityhelp.in

Mohini Arora


Team Infertility Help

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